인터넷 카드 결제 시스템

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자전거 허브, 스템퍼 내구성 시험기 관리자에게 문의하여 주세요


Bike’s wheel hub or stepper wear-out tester series
*Test procedure:
Set bike’s wheel hub or stepper at the shaft of wood instrument and exert load & select suitable rpm according to respective test spec, to see if the specimen is worn or defective and ensure product’s quality.
And we also can follow the international bike’s standards listed below to use the respective bike jig/fixture module.

*Standards followed:
*BS / DIN / NF (U.K./Germany/France)
*CPSC / CSA (USA/Canada)
*JIS / JBMS / BA (Japan)
*AS / NES (Australia/New Zealand)
*GB / QB / CNS (Mainland/Taiwan)





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상호 : 희몽무역 / 대표 : 김영완 / 사업자 등록번호 : 108-05-83519 / 공정거래위원회사업자확인/통신판매번호 : 제 2013-경기광명-0312 호
주소 : 경기도 광명시 하안로 60 (소하동, 광명테크노파크) 광명테크노파크 E동 612호/ TEL : 02-806-7082 / FAX : 02-806-7083 / Email : wbt@testerhouse.co.kr
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