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DHS520GB Wahl Heat Spy® Thermometer
Model Number DHS520GB

The Wahl DHS520B is a general purpose, high precision, portable infrared thermometer, designed for accurate measurement of temperatures in the range of 1022°F to 5432°F (550° to 3000°C), includes two Dark Glass Eye Protection Filters. The measured temperature is displayed in four simultaneous modes: continuous, average, peak and valley, with user selected mode for the viewfinder display. Accurate sighting is ensured by the clear, wide angle (9°) field of view and small, clearly defined (1/3°) measurement area. Focusing is variable from 1m to infinity, with close focus options available using auxiliary lenses.

Emissivity compensation is provided via the icon-based menu system. The operating waveband has been carefully chosen to minimize errors due to uncertainty in emissivity and the effects of atmospheric vapor components. Two models are available - DHS520 and DHS520B. Both provide wired RS232 serial communications. The Wahl DHS520B also features user-friendly 'Bluetooth' wireless communications.



DHS520GB Wahl Heat Spy? Thermometer





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상호 : 희몽무역 / 대표 : 김영완 / 사업자 등록번호 : 108-05-83519 / 공정거래위원회사업자확인/통신판매번호 : 제 2013-경기광명-0312 호
주소 : 경기도 광명시 하안로 60 (소하동, 광명테크노파크) 광명테크노파크 E동 612호/ TEL : 02-806-7082 / FAX : 02-806-7083 / Email : wbt@testerhouse.co.kr
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